Mark Rigoni

MPA, Accountant

Mark Rigoni

MPA, Accountant

Experience Highlights and Special Skills

  • Worked at a public practice accounting firm in Melbourne, Australia.
  • Experience preparing and translating financial statements and income taxes for small businesses.
  • Expertise with family trusts, including preparation of financial statements and information returns for trusts.
  • Master of Professional Accounting, Deakin University, 2022.

Fun Facts

  • I was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia.
  • I’ve travelled to various parts of Europe, Africa, U.S and Canada. As well as a significant portion of Australia.
  • In my free time, I enjoy watching and playing sport. Cricket and Australian Football League being my two main sports. I’ve been fortunate to go to many sporting events including internationally the English Premier League, US Open (tennis), NBA in LA, New York, Brooklyn and Toronto.