Jocelyn Muise

Administrative Assistant

Jocelyn Muise

Administrative Assistant

Experience Highlights and Special Skills

  • 15 years administrative experience in construction, oil and gas, pipeline, agriculture, municipal and rural sectors. 
  • Vast experience with logistics planning, supply chain management, executive leadership assistance, client engagement and event planning. 
  • Nova Scotia Community College, Degree in Business Administration.

Fun Facts

  • I am originally from a small island in Nova Scotia (Cape Breton Island – home of the beautiful Cabot Trail). I moved to Alberta when I was 19. My first plane ride ever was a one-way flight to Fort McMurray – where I ended up calling it home for 10 years.  Since most of my ‘adult life’ has been spent in Alberta, I feel so lucky that I get to call 2 places home – Nova Scotia and Alberta. 
  • I am the proudest dog mom ever to our 12-year-old Old English Sheepdog (Pep) and our 10-year-old German Shepherd (Raven). If you are a dog person, you are my kind of person!
  • I am a huge music buff. I love all genres, all ages and all styles of music. As kids, my brother and I were schooled in all forms of great music by our Dad, which we both hold close to our hearts. You probably don’t want to play ‘name that tune’ with me!
  • My favourite season is late summer/early fall. Not too hot, not too cold. You can almost always find me at our cabin on the lake or at the golf course trying to improve my skills. 
  • I’m a huge sports fan… hard being a Boston Bruins fan in Oilers territory, but someone’s got to do it.

Community Involvement

  • Member, Vegreville Kinette Club
  • Volunteer, Vegreville Kinsmen Golf Course